About Us
Creative Wings started its journey in 2013 as an innovative and dynamic organisation focused on providing cutting edge technology, creative arts training and consultancy services. Over the past 10 years we have offered creative, engaging educational courses for kids, young adults and professionals. Our aim is to provide these courses at an affordable cost. Our course materials and content are designed and developed in conjunction with Subject Support Ltd. UK
2023 marked a new chapter in our work in the creative industry, from our passion to work in the creative industry we started our media and production wing to produce high quality audio visual content.

We are a social enterprise, our main goal is to minimise digital divide in the society.
Following are our main aims:
- Develop young entrepreneurs in technology and creative arts
- Produce international standard Audio Visual content
- Produce documentaries in Biodiversity and underwater filming
- Provide life-skills training to underprivileged
- Provide cutting edge technology and creative arts training to young people and professionals
- Run projects to improve digital literacy and minimize digital divide in cities and rural areas
We are committed to making our courses accessible to all. As part of our social commitment we offer free places to underprivileged participants on all our courses.
We have qualified professionals with industry experience. Our staff are well versed in latest technology and expert in their relevant field. We carry out regular In Service Training (INSET) and encourage our staff to follow their own chosen Continuous Professional Development (CPD) path to keep their knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning up to date.
Our Training Facility:
State of the art classroom with the following facilities:
High speed fiber optic broadband connection
Multimedia system
Air-conditioned classroom
IPS power backup system
Video streaming facility
Live HD video conferencing facility